The creative nerd with a vibrant personality, big heart
and even bigger ambitions.
I am a 31-year-old South African, with a German passport, living in The Netherlands with my Namibian wife, newborn son, and a cat called Winston.
In my free time, I write and make rock music, play competitive games, or simply enjoy seeing the world with my family and drinking beer with my friends.
Monday is my favourite day of the week, I choose to be positive at all times and believe that no challenge is too great to overcome.
I have a massive passion for branding, marketing, and consumer psychology and can truly say I enjoy what I choose to do for a living. In fact, I like it so much I always have a side project or two going to keep my pencil sharp and my creative thinking at peak performance. I like to continuously challenge myself to learn new things, industries, and tools.
I have a perfect balance between my left and right brain. I am an extroverted-introvert and I have severe A.D.D that I see as a superpower in my line of work - I thrive in high-paced, innovative environments where quick thinking and creative solutions are valued.
I work best from the comfort of my home and believe that outcome and results matter more than hours spent. I am dead set on achieving success and excellence in everything I touch.
Sounds like we are a good fit? Let's chat about it.